Thursday, May 27, 2010

The penguins at the California Sciences.
On our whale watching cruise in Monterey, we saw humpbacks and had a great wet bumpy ride.

Our Clam Chowder, Sourdough bread bowl on the pier at Monterey

Em learning about the Golden Gate Bridge and its creator

Beautiful Jelly fish at the Aquarium


We ate at our favorite BUBBA GUMP SHRIMP CO. Mom took a bath in her crab legs.

Spent time in Sausilito for a wonderful breakfast.

Evyn-Marie's 10th

We had a fun party at the Motel, swimming, pizza, snow cones, snacks, and the endless chatter of 10 year olds.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Our awesome San Francisco trip

See how little we are compared to the big trucks zooming pass us. We had many people laughing at us.

We went to
San Francisco for spring break. It was the best trip there yet. We bought Go Cards, which allowed us to do many attractions. Ems favorite was the go cars ( I was pretty scared driving around the city in this small vehicle). We stayed at the Hilton, and visited with cousin Dennis. It was warm every day but the last one. We still had a blast at Six Flaggs.

Monday, April 19, 2010


One of the best ways to have Heaven in your home-
Is to have someone you love in Heaven.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The helicopter we waited for 20 min in line to sit in. Bridger thought it was worth it.
"Giddy up"

Makayla as a goat

Putting on a play of leopards fight one another

Free day at Discovery kids Gateway

Bridger loved the St. Patrick's day donut, it was "yummy".

Evyn-Marie, Makalya, and Bridger loving the ride to the Gateway Bridger thinks he is a cool guy. Aunt Lori finally fullfilled her promise to get him on the front runner or "train" as he calls it.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Me and 2 of my brothers the day before my father past away, Dave had not arrived yet from St. George.

This is a picture of my father's hand and mine taken minutes after he left this world. His hands were always the strong stable hands that would comfort me, bless me, and help me. I am going to miss these hands. I know he has gone on to a better place free from pain, and he is running again. I love you Daddy.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Beautiful Baby Girl

Well not so much a BABY anymore, but she will always be my baby

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

New to this blogging

It has been very interesting and frustrating to figure this out. I hope from now on it will be done with more ease.


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